Adventure Comics #166
Title: "The Town That Stole Superboy"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: William Woolfolk
Artist: John Sikela
Feature Character(s)
- Jeb Williams (chairman of the Hadley Chamber of Commerce; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The mayor of Smallville (no further appearances)
- Citizens of Smallville and Hadley (Mr. Andrews named; no further appearances)
- Johnny and his father (tourists; no further appearances)
The city of Hadley files a lawsuit against Smallville claiming that Superboy is a resident of their town and that Smallville has unfairly taken tourist money from them. When Superboy is called to testify, his testimony is interrupted to extinguish two fires, one in Hadley, the other in Smallville. He handles the fire in Hadley first, which provides evidence to the court that Hadley is his hometown.
When Superboy returns to the courtroom, he refuses to answer the question as to which city is his hometown in order to protect his secret identity. Hadley wins the case, which turns the town of Smallville against Superboy.
Superboy builds a glass house in Hadley where the townspeople can watch him. The result is that movie theatres and entertainment venues are devoid of customers. The owner, Jeb Williams, who was responsible for the lawsuit is nearly bankrupted. He convinces Superboy to leave town by admiting that he set the fires and cheated Smallville. Hadley and Smallville then both honor the Boy of Steel with museums in his honor.
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