Adventure Comics #149
Title: "Undersea Artist"
Pages: 6
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Joe Samachson
Artist: John Daly
Feature Character(s)
- A gang of unnamed criminals (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Walter Mason (an artist; no further appearances)
Artist Walter Mason paints a picture of ocean life from the sea floor. Aquaman rescues him when a hole opens in his air hose. Mason explains that he is entering an art contest with his painting. At the gallery, his painting is stolen by criminals, so Mason decides to paint the scene again.
When Mason returns to the underwater spot, the crooks attack him. Aquaman fights them off and rescues Mason again. After Aquaman apprehends the crooks, Mason's original painting is found. The scene reveals the location of a sunken treasure ship which the crooks hoped to keep secret. For his discovery, the artist is awarded a share of the treasure.
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