Comic Cavalcade #4
Title: "A Pair of Kings"
Pages: 6
King (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Jon Chester Kozlak
Feature Character(s)
- Witch (last appearance in Comic Cavalcade #3; no further appearances)
- Homer Wolfe (an actor; no further appearances)
- Flat Head and his girlfriend (no further appearances)
- The Witch's gang (no further appearances)
Actor Homer Wolfe infiltrates the underworld to gain information about the King. He then uses the information to disguise himself as the hero and blackmail the Witch. When the real King learns about the imposter, he sets a trap which forces Wolfe to reveal himself as a phony. The Witch, who had been angry about the blackmail attempt, forgives the King for suspecting him of taking advantage of their friendly rivalry.
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