Infinity Inc. Annual #2

Title: "The Private Life of Wildcat"
Pages: 8
Infinity, Inc. (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Roy Thomas
Writer: Danette Thomas
Artist: Ron Harris
Letterer: Jean Simek (Izzo)
Colorist: Lovern Kindzierski
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Juan and Maria Montez (Juan does not appear in this story; last appearance in Infinity Inc. Annual #2; next appearance in Infinity Inc. #51)
- Jose Montez (Yolanda's brother; no further appearances)
- Gary (the singer of the band Food Fight; no further appearances)
- Danny Ranchito (a former classmate of Yolanda; no further appearances)
- Two unnamed friends of Jose and a school administrator (no further appearances)
This is a Wildcat solo story.
Wildcat returns home where she accidentally rips a hole in his costume. She removes the suit and leaves it for her mother to repair. Yolanda then goes to a concert where she interviews one of the band members. She returns home after the show and falls asleep.
The following morning, Yolanda discovers that her brother Jose has taken the bag containing her costume to school, mistaking it for his lunch. She goes to the school and learns that her brother has been ditching his classes. She tracks Jose down and tries to convince him not to cut school. He discovers her costume and learns his sister's secret identity. He promises to keep quiet if she can get him a ride in the Star-Rocket Racer.
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