Creeper by Steve Ditko HC

Title: "Where Lurks the Menace?"
Pages: 23
Creeper (of Earth-1)
Plotter/Artist: Steve J. Ditko
Scripter: Dennis J. O'Neil
Reprinted From:
Beware the Creeper #1 (1968)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- The Terror (Forbes; no further appearances)
- Gerk Kreg, Baldy Pate, and various underworld gang members (no further appearances)
- Ida Horn (Terror's accomplice; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Jurgens (an informant; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Poochums (Vera's dog; no further appearances)
- Vance Cleary (a lawyer; no further appearances)
- Hack Axeley (an investigator; dies in this story; no further appearances)
An underworld informant named Jurgens is killed by a masked murderer known as the Terror before he can pass information to Jack Ryder. Ryder does get a few names from the dying man. The first of which is underworld boss Gerk Kreg.
Kreg and other crime boss's are being threatened by the Terror. Ryder visits Kreg as the Creeper, and begins to suspect that Kreg is the masked killer. Creeper is unable to get proof, so he visits the other names given to him by Jurgens including Hack Axeley, an investigator.
When the Terror finds that Ryder has been investigating him, he attacks. Ryder is able to escape and become the Creeper. After a fight on the rooftops, Creeper is able to expose the Terror as Axeley's assistant Forbes, who has been blackmailing crooks. Creeper is able to take down Forbes and Kreg and escape as the police arrive.
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