Green Lantern #9
Green Lantern #9
Cover Credits
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "The Battle of the Power Rings"
Pages: 13

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)

Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson

Reprinted In:
Green Lantern Annual #1 (1998)
Green Lantern Archives Vol. 2 HC (2000)
Showcase Presents Green Lantern Vol. 1 TPB (2005)
Green Lantern Chronicles Vol. 2 TPB (2010)
Green Lantern Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2011)
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Vol. 1 TPB (2016)
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2017)
Green Lantern:80 Years of the Emerald Knight the Deluxe Edition HC (2020)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


The Green Lantern Corps appear here for the first time. Some members are shown but not named, these include among others: an insectoid from Xaos, a crystal being from Barrio III, an orange skinned large-headed being from Rojira, an aquatic creature from Aeros, a squid-like being from T41A, and Tomar-Re.

The central power battery on OA is shown for the first time as the source of the power from the individual batteries.

Sinestro possesses and uses his yellow ring for the first time, but it is destroyed in this story.

While tracking three members of the Packer gang to a trainyard, Green Lantern is weakened momentarily by an unknown force. He lands and is able to defeat the gang with a minimal use of the ring. After captured the crooks he returns to Ferris to charge his ring.

While charging his ring, Sinestro attacks him. Sinestro now possesses a yellow power ring of his own. He explains that he escaped the bubble GL left him in by using this ring. Sinestro’s ring is powered by draining the emerald energy of a Green Lantern’s ring, which he has been doing to GL. Sinestro pins Hal’s ring to his power battery. Hal removes the ring, and Sinestro places him in a cage. Sinestro then assumes Hal’s form and flys to a conference of the Green Lantern Corps on the planet Yquem.

At the conference, Sinestro arrives disguised as Hal. The conference begins, and several Green Lanterns from other worlds begin to discuss their recent exploits. Suddenly a menacing shape takes form in the room. The Green Lanterns use their rings to stop the creature. The use of many rings charges up Sinestro’s ring to a high level. He flys to Oa to take revenge on the Guardians and leaves the GLCorps in a yellow fog that prevents them from leaving Yquem.

Back on Earth, Green Lantern is still trapped in his cage. Sinestro gave him a hypnotic command not to try to escape, but by switching to his Hal Jordan clothes, he nullifies the hypnotic command placed on "Green Lantern". He walks out of his cage, retrieves his ring, and flys to Oa to stop Sinestro.

Hal and Sinestro both arrive on Oa and battle each other. Sinestro’s ring draws it’s power from Hal’s, so Hal intensifies his own beam. The effect overloads the yellow ring, and it shatters. The rest of the GLCorps arrive and are allowed to charge their rings with Hal from the central power battery. Sinestro is placed in a rocket by the Guardians and sent around the universe.

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