Action Comics #89
Title: "The Cruise of the Ichabod Q"
Pages: 10
Vigilante (Greg Sanders of Earth-2)
Penciller: Mort Meskin
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Shakes (the underworld poet; no further appearances)
- Stoney, Rocky, and Flint (henchmen; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Mrs. Percival Braithe (a wealthy woman; no further appearances)
While fishing at the pier Stuff encounters Shakes the underworld poet and his gang. The crooks try to kill Stuff, but he escapes to contact Vigilante. The heroes then track down the crooks after they rob a wealthy woman of her jewels. The crooks win the fight and leave Vigilante to drown.
Vigilante and Stuff survive the water. They find the crooks again using their boat the Ichabod Q to rob a freighter. This time the Vigilante triumphs, and Shakes is apprehended.
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