Adventure Comics #242
Title: "The Amazing Feats of Aqua-Melvin"
Pages: 6
Aquaman (of Earth-1)
Artist: Ramona Fradon
Feature Character(s)
- Captain Cuttle and his crew (pirates; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Melvin (a clown; no further appearances)
- A doctor, a movie crew, and a governor (no further appearances)
Aquaman gives a blood transfusion to an injured clown named Melvin. The transfusion temporarily gives Melvin Aquaman's aquatic powers. The clown begins playing practical jokes and causing trouble, forcing Aquaman to keep an eye on him.
While Aquaman is busy, pirate led by Captain Cuttle steal valuables intended for charity. When they make their escape, their ship runs aground in shallow waters. Aquaman fooled them by staging Melvin's jokes. He then altered the lighthouse, so the pirates would navigate themselves into shallow waters. The pirates are captured, and Melvin's powers wear off.
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