Title: "Legend of the Lovers' Lantern"
Pages: 9
Elongated Man (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Neal Adams
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents the Elongated Man Vol. 1 TPB (2006)
DC Universe Illustrated by Neal Adams HC (2009)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Lefty Luke Knowles (a sneak thief; no further appearances)
- A gang of art gallery thieves (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Martha and John Hanlon (no further appearances)
Sue Dibny purchases a lovers' lantern at an auction house. Supposedly the lantern has supernatural properties and will ensure that the owner's loved ones will return home safely. When leaving the gallery, Sue is robbed by a sneak thief. Her husband, the Elongated Man, gives chase. His pursuit is interrupted when he happens across another group of crooks. He stops them, but the original thief escapes.
The Elongated Man has no clues with which to track the thief. However, when the thief sees in the newspaper that his victim was Sue Dibny, he fears that the Elongated Man will track him down. To protect himself, he returns the stolen lantern to Sue. Ralph is then able to analyze the package, and track down the thief, and apprehend him.
Sue then gives the lamp to Martha Hanlon, who is hoping that her husband will return alive after being captured by bandits. Shortly after she lights the lantern, John Hanlon returns safely, leaving Sue to wonder if the superstition surrounding the lantern is real.