Showcase Presents:Warlord Vol. 1 TPB
Showcase Presents:Warlord Vol. 1 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Mike Grell

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Title: "The Curse of the Cobra Queen"
Pages: 12

Warlord (of Earth-1)

Writer/Penciller: Mike Grell
Inker: Vince Colletta
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Reprinted From:
Warlord #28 (1979)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • The Cobra Queen (no further appearances)
  • Several serpent women (no further appearances)

Travis Morgan and Ashir part ways. Morgan begins his journey back to Shamballah and to Tara. In the sky he witnesses a meteor enter the inner world and explode. Unknown to him one of the meteor fragments lands nearby. A large snake is the only witness to its crash. The snake is bathed in the meteor's unique radiation.

As Morgan's ride continues he is attacked by a group of women dressed as serpents. They defeat him in combat. When he awakens, Morgan finds himself tied up in the presence of a yellow skinned woman with cobra-like features.

The woman releases Morgan and begins seducing him. When a mongoose emerges from the bushes, she is startled, breaking the spell. She transforms into a real serpent. Her handmaiden's flee, as the Cobra Queen attacks Morgan. He prevails by shooting her in the head.

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