Title: "The Chldren of Ba'al"
Pages: 17
Warlord (of Earth-1)
Writer/Penciller: Mike Grell
Inker: Vince Colletta
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Reprinted From:
Warlord #23 (1979)
Feature Character(s)
- The Children of Ba'al (Arn named; most die in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The Orms (a tribe of barbarians; some die in this story; no further appearances)
While bathing in a forest pool, Travis Morgan witnesses a group of golden skinned youths frolicking in the water. The group is suddenly attacked by green skinned barbarians. The Warlord jumps in the middle and begins fighting the barbarians. The youths simply watch him in battle without participating.
After the battle is over, Morgan is led back to their camp where he learns that they are called the Children of Ba'al. They appear to be pacifists with no knowledge of fighting. Morgan offers to teach them, but first he wants to strike at the barbarians which live below the surface.
The Warlord enters an underground tunnel that leads to the city of the Orms. A woman from the Children joins him. He finds that they have advanced technology which Morgan tries to destroy. He then returns to the surface. Once he emerges from the tunnel, the Children knock him out.
Morgan awakens as a captive along with two of the Orms. He quickly learns that the Children are cannibals, and that they intend to sacrifice him to their god. Then the Orms strike, killing the Children. The Orms release Morgan and explain that they only fought the Children when they took one of their people. Now, since Morgan was going to teach them how to find, the Orms had to kill the Children. Morgan is embarrassed for choosing the wrong side when he involved himself in the fight.