Sandman by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby HC
Sandman by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby HC
Cover Credits
Penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker: Joe Simon

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Title: "Sleepy Time Crimes"
Pages: 10

Sandman (of Earth-2)

Writer/Penciller: Jack Kirby

Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #90 (1944)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • A photographer and his henchmen (Louie named; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Linda Van Liggett and her guests (Mr. Crane named; no further appearances)

Wes Dodds attends the birthday celebration of Linda Van Liggett. During the party all the guests, including Wes, fall asleep at the banquet table. When they awaken, they discover that all their valuables have been taken. Wes has the food examined, but he finds no trace of chemical tampering. When another sleeping crime occurs across town, Wes is able to connect the parties through a cameraman.

The Sandman and Sandy begin asking questions at camera shops. Eventually they find the photographer from Van Liggett's party. He and his gang have been robbing the guests after putting them to sleep with gas emitted from the camera. After a couple of encounters with the crooks, the Sandman successfully apprehends them.

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