Showcase Presents:The Flash Vol. 3 TPB
Showcase Presents:The Flash Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "The Day Flash Ran Away with Himself"
Pages: 15

Flash (Barry Allen of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Joe Giella

Reprinted From:
Flash #154 (1965)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Gunner Blaine, his men, and members of another gang (no further appearances)

While attempting to apprehend a gang of ordinary crooks, Flash finds himself unable to control his speed. He moves too quickly, then too erractically, then too slow. His powers eventually returns to normal allowing him to capture the crooks.

Following the strange behavior of his powers, Flash visits a laboratory to perform tests upon himself to determine the cause. He discovers that a surplus energy buildup is responsible. Before he can drain off the excess energy, crooks break into the lab. Flash interrupts his experiments to fight them. His powers once again behave erractically, but he prepared for the problem and is still able to defeat the crooks. Flash then finishes his experiment by draining off the excess energy and restoring himself to normal.

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