Little Archie Giant Comics #13
Little Archie Giant Comics #13
Cover Credits
Artist: Bob Bolling

<< Comic List >>
Little Archie: "A Spotty Story"
Little Archie: "The Flash"
Little Archie: "The Big Shot"
Li'l Jinx: "Hide and Sweet"
Evelyn Evernever: "The Champion Collector"
Shrimpy: "Birthday Greetings"
Shrimpy: "Tricks of the Trade"
Ambrose: "Football Foolery"
Ambrose: (No Title)
Little Archie: "The Cautious Campers"
Little Archie: "For Whom the Beans Toll"
Little Archie: "Pop's Bad Day"
Caramel: "Robin's Revenge"
Little Archie: "Too Many Monsters"
Little Archie: "The Deeds Do It"

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