Smash Comics #6
Smash Comics #6
Cover Credits
Artist: Gilbert Fox

<< Comic List >>
Pages Feature Note
FCEspionage Starring Black AceUnsigned (a)
IFCAd; IndiciaThe A.C. Gilbert Company
1Espionage Starring the Black Xby Erwin
2Espionage Starring the Black X
3Espionage Starring the Black X
4Espionage Starring the Black X
5Espionage Starring the Black X
6Espionage Starring the Black X
7Espionage Starring the Black X
8Espionage Starring the Black X
9Espionage Starring the Black X
10Philpot Veep"The Affair of the Fabricating Bridegroom" by Devlin
11Philpot Veep
12Clip Chance at Cliffsideby Scott Sheridan
13Clip Chance at Cliffside
14Clip Chance at Cliffside
15Clip Chance at Cliffside
16Chic Carter Ace Reporter(No Title)
17Chic Carter Ace Reporter
18Chic Carter Ace Reporter
19Chic Carter Ace Reporter
20Flash Fultonby Paul Gustavson
21Flash Fulton
22Flash Fulton
23Flash Fultonnext issue on sale December 20th
24Filler"Small Stuff" by Devlin
25Hugh Hazzard and His Iron Manby Wayne Reid
26Hugh Hazzard and His Iron Man
27Hugh Hazzard and His Iron Man
28Hugh Hazzard and His Iron Man
29Hugh Hazzard and His Iron Man
30Hugh Hazzard and His Iron Man
31Hugh Hazzard and His Iron Man
32Archie O'Tooleby Bud Thomas
33Archie O'Toole
34Captain Cook of Scotland Yard(No Title)
35Captain Cook of Scotland Yard
36Captain Cook of Scotland Yard
37Captain Cook of Scotland Yard
38Abdul the Arab(No Title)
39Abdul the Arab
40Abdul the Arab
41Abdul the Arab
42Fact Feature"Sportraits" by Gill Fox
43John Law Scientective"The Sound of Death" by Harry Francis Campbell
44John Law Scientective
45John Law Scientective
46John Law Scientective
47John Law Scientective
48Text Story"The Master of Mu" by Robert M. Hyatt
49Text Story
50Fact Feature; Ownership Statement"Interesting People" by Stookie Allen
51Invisible Justiceby Art Gordon
52Invisible Justice
53Invisible Justice
54Invisible Justice
55Invisible Justice
56Wun Clooby Gill Fox
57Wun Cloo
58Wings Wendall of the Military Intelligenceby Vernon Henkel
59Wings Wendall of the Military Intelligence
60Wings Wendall of the Military Intelligence
61Wings Wendall of the Military Intelligence
62Wings Wendall of the Military Intelligence
63Wings Wendall of the Military Intelligence
64Wings Wendall of the Military Intelligence
IBCAd"How Jimmy Got His Bike"
BCAdFlexible Flyer Sleds and Skis

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics