Marvel Masterworks Vol. 350:Omega the Unknown Vol. 1 HC [Variant]
Marvel Masterworks Vol. 350:Omega the Unknown Vol. 1 HC  [Variant]
Cover Credits
Penciller: Ed Hannigan
Inker: Joe Sinnott

<< Comic List >>
Omega the Unknown: "Omega the Unknown"
Omega the Unknown: "Welcome to Hell's Kitchen"
Omega the Unknown: "Burn While You Learn"
Omega the Unknown: "Cats and No Dogs"
Omega the Unknown: "Through the Rat Hole -- Into the Cat's Lair"
Omega the Unknown: "A Tug of the Wrench"
Omega the Unknown: "Blockbuster"
Omega the Unknown: "A Blast from the Past"
Omega the Unknown: "Fightin' Fools"
Omega the Unknown: "The Hottest Slot in Town"
Defenders: "Little Triggers"
Defenders: "Waiting for the End of the World"

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