Phoenix Omnibus Vol. 2 HC [Variant]
Phoenix Omnibus Vol. 2 HC  [Variant]
Cover Credits
Artist: Walter Simonson

<< Comic List  
X-Men: "Days of Future Past"
X-Men: "Mind Out of Time"
X-Men: "Professor Xavier Is a Jerk"
X-Men: "Catacombs"
X-Men: "Dancin' in the Dark"
X-Men: "Rogue"
X-Men: "Scarlet in Glory"
X-Men: "To Have and Have Not"
X-Men: "Romances"
X-Men: "Phoenix"
X-Men: "Decisions"
X-Men: "The Past... of Future Day"
X-Men: (Excerpt)
X-Men: (Excerpt)
X-Men: "The Spiral Path"
X-Men: "Duel"
Avengers: "What Lurks Below?"
Fantastic Four: "Like a Phoenix"
X-Factor: "Third Genesis"
X-Men: "X-Men... I've Gone to Kill -- the Beyonder"
X-Men: "Crossroads"
X-Men: "Ghosts"
X-Men: "Retribution"
X-Men: "Salvation"
X-Factor: "Ghosts"
X-Factor: "The Enemy Within"
X-Men: (Excerpt)
X-Men: "Death by Drowning"
X-Men: "Heartbreak"
X-Men: (Excerpt)
X-Men: (Excerpt)
X-Men: (Excerpt)
X-Men: "Vanities"
X-Factor: "Go to the Orphan Maker"
X-Factor: "Transformations"
X-Men: "Strike the Match"
X-Men: "Fan the Flames"
X-Factor: "A Matter of Honor"
X-Men: "Burn"
X-Factor: "Duet"
X-Men: "Ashes"
X-Factor: "Ashes to Ashes"
Excalibur: "A Hatch Is Plotted"
Excalibur: "Home Comforts"
Excalibur: "Witless for the Prosecution"
Excalibur: "Nightcrawler's Technet"
Excalibur: "Colin the Barbarian"
Excalibur: "Come One and All to the Ugly Bug-Eyed Monster Ball"
Excalibur: "Irish Stew"
Excalibur: "Let There Be Dark"
Excalibur: "Winner Loses All"
Excalibur: "All You Ever Wanted to Know About Phoenix..."
Excalibur: "Truth and Consequence"
Excalibur: (Excerpt)
Excalibur: (Excerpt)
Excalibur: (Excerpt)
Excalibur: (Excerpt)
Excalibur: "Back to the Present"
Excalibur: "Days of Futures Yet to Come"

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