Generation X Epic Collection:The Secret of M TPB
Generation X Epic Collection:The Secret of M TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Chris Bachalo
Inker: Al Vey

<< Comic List  
Generation X: "Home for the Holidays"
Generation X: "The Wages of Despair"
X-Men: "Primal"
Generation X: "The End"
Generation X: "Adrift"
Generation X: "The Last X-Man"
Generation X: "Oh, Now I Get It"
Generation X: "Ye Double Feature"
Generation X: "The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship"
Generation X: "No Surrender"
Generation X: "Some Things Hurt More Than Cars and Girls"
Generation X: "Rites of Passage"
Spider-Man/Generation X: "D.E.A.D. to Rights"
Generation X: "A Day at the Circus"
"Once Upon a Time..."
"Across the Universe"
"Dark Eyes"
Generation X: "The Big Game"
Generation X: "Banshee's Angels"
Generation X: "Half a Face"

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics