Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection:Invasion of the Spider-Slayers TPB
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection:Invasion of the Spider-Slayers TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Randy Emberlin

<< Comic List >>
Spider-Man/Doctor Strange: "The Way to Dusty Death"
Spider-Man: "The Trial of Venom"
Spider-Man: "On Razored Wings"
Spider-Man: "Cashing In"
Spider-Man: "Electric Doom"
Spider-Man: "More Bad News"
Spider-Man: "Life Stings"
Spider-Man: "The Web"
Spider-Man: "One Clue Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
Spider-Man: "Strained Relations"
Spider-Man: "Arachnophobia Too"
Spider-Man: "Punch... Counter-Punch"
Spider-Man: "The Bedlam Perspective"
Venom: "The Getaway Scream"
Spider-Man: "Murder on Parade"
Spider-Man: "The Bride of Venom"
Spider-Man: "True Friends"
Spider-Man: "The Monster Within"
Spider-Man: "Echoes..."
Spider-Man: "Guilt by Association"
Spider-Man: "Dust to Dust"
Spider-Man: "Prepare Yourself for... Annex"
Solo: "Dead Reckoning"
Spider-Man: "The Lizard Must Be Destroyed'
Spider-Man: "Estrangements and Reunions"

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