Marvel Masterworks Vol. 327:Captain America Vol. 14 HC [Variant]
Marvel Masterworks Vol. 327:Captain America Vol. 14 HC  [Variant]
Cover Credits
Penciller: John L. Byrne
Inker: Josef Rubinstein

<< Comic List >>
Captain America: "By the Dawn's Early Light"
Captain America: "Dragon Man"
Captain America: "Death, Where Is Thy Sting?"
Captain America: "Cap for President"
Captain America: "The Mercenary and the Madman"
Captain America: "Cold Fire"
Captain America: "The Life and Times of Captain America"
Captain America: "Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot"
Captain America: "Blood on the Moors"
Captain America: "The Living Legend"
Captain America: "The Ghosts of Greymoor Castle"
Captain America: "Deadly Anniversary"
Captain America: "Blockbuster"
Captain America: "Rite of Passage"
Captain America: "Prison Reform"

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics