Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol. 4 HC [Variant]
Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol. 4 HC  [Variant]
Cover Credits
Penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker: Joe Sinnott

<< Comic List  
Fantastic Four: "The Return of the Frightful Four"
Fantastic Four: "Tomorrow, World War Three"
Fantastic Four: "The Mad Thinker and His Androids of Death"
Fantastic Four: "The Monster from the Lost Lagoon"
Fantastic Four: "Mystery on the Moon"
Fantastic Four: "The Torch Goes Wild"
Fantastic Four: "The Long Journey Home"
Fantastic Four: "Bedlam in the Baxter Building"
Fantastic Four: "The Strength of the Sub-Mariner"
Fantastic Four: "At War with Atlantis"
Fantastic Four: "Our World -- Enslaved"
Fantastic Four: "The Monster in the Streets"
Fantastic Four: "The Monster's Secret"
Fantastic Four: "And Now... the Thing"
Fantastic Four: "The Monstrous Mystery of the Nega-Man"
Fantastic Four: "Death in the Negative Zone"
Fantastic Four: "One from Four Leaves Three"
Fantastic Four: "The Thing -- Amok"
Fantastic Four: "Battle of the Behemoths"
Fantastic Four: "The Power of -- the Over-Mind"
Fantastic Four: "But Who Shall Stop the Over-Mind"
Fantastic Four: "The Secret of the Eternals"
Fantastic Four: "The Alien, the Ally, and Armageddon"
Fantastic Four: "The Flame and the Quest"
Fantastic Four: "Thunder in the Ruins"
Fantastic Four: "What Mad World?"
Fantastic Four: "Three Stood Together"
Fantastic Four: "The Horror That Walks on Air"
Fantastic Four: "The Mysterious Mind Blowing Secret of Gabriel"
Fantastic Four: "Galactus Unleashed"
Fantastic Four: "This World Enslaved"
Fantastic Four: "The Return of the Monster"
Fantastic Four: "The Monster's Secret"
Fantastic Four: "The Menace of the Mega-Men"

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