Marvel Masterworks Vol. 244:Doctor Strange Vol. 8 HC [Variant]
Marvel Masterworks Vol. 244:Doctor Strange Vol. 8 HC  [Variant]
Cover Credits
Artist: Michael Golden

<< Comic List >>
Doctor Strange: "Eye of the Beholder"
Doctor Strange: "The Old Dark House"
Doctor Strange: "Dawn of Death"
Man-Thing: "Death-Knell"
Doctor Strange: "Weep for the Soul of Man..."
Doctor Strange: "The Black Mirror"
Doctor Strange: "Shadowqueen"
Doctor Strange: "Duel of Fire"
Doctor Strange: "Wizard of the West Village"
Doctor Strange: "The Reality War"
Doctor Strange: "A Moment's Peace"
Defenders: "Clea, the Mystic Maiden"
Doctor Strange: "To Steal the Sorcerer's Soul"
Doctor Strange: "What If Dr. Strange Had Been a Disciple of Dormammu?"

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