Shade, the Changing Man #5

Title: "Hollywood Babble On"
Pages: 24
Shade the Changing Man (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Peter Milligan
Penciller: Chris Bachalo
Inker: Mark Pennington
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Daniel Vozzo
Reprinted In:
Shade, the Changing Man:The American Scream TPB (2003)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Guy Fable, Kent Harton, Candice Flowers, and Emerald Darling (actors; no further appearances)
- Crispin Keen (a film critic; no further appearances)
- Ed Loot (a film director; no further appearances)
- William (a Hollywood producer; no further appearances)
- Harvey and Irene (film viewers; no further appearances)
- Suzie, her boyfriend, and her parents (no further appearances)
This story continues in Shade, the Changing Man #6
On the set of Hollywood Monsters, the actors and directors fall under the influence of the American Scream. Each is haunted by madness which manifests in violent, sexual, and destructive ways. Shade and Kathy George are drawn to the madness. Director Ed Loot has been transformed in a monster and chases an elderly couple. Shade comes to their aid and kills Loot. Thinking the death has ended the immediate threat, Shade and Kathy head to a nearby bar only to discover the madness inside is even worse.
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