Dollar Comics:Sandman #23
Dollar Comics:Sandman #23
Cover Credits
Artist: Dave McKean

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Title: "Season of Mists Chapter 2"
Pages: 24

Sandman (Morpheus)

Writer: Neil Gaiman
Penciller: Kelley Jones
Inker: Malcolm Jones III
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Daniel Vozzo

Reprinted From:
Sandman #23 (1991)

Feature Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Breschau (a prisoner of Hell; no further appearances)
  • Ketele, Rimmon-My-Petal, and an unnamed demon (no further appearances)

This story is continued from Sandman #22.

Dream arrives at the gates of Hell. He expects trouble, but instead finds that the gates are open. Once inside Hell, Dream travels to the location where Nada is being held, only to discover that she is gone. Then he notices that everyone is gone. The damned and the tormentors have all disappeared. Confused, Dream calls for Lucifer.

Lucifer appears and asks that Morpheus remove his helmet. Weary of tricks, Dream refuses, but Lucifer vows not to harm him while they are within the bounds of Hell. Morpheus removes his helmet, and the two meet face-to-face. Lucifer explains that he has quit. He has kicked everyone out of Hell and is locking the gates behind him. Dream is incredulous.

Lucifer invites Dream to follow him as he completes some last minute tasks. First he releases a stray prisoner named Breschau, who continues to seek punishment. Next, Lucifer chases off a few stray demons, who refuse to leave. Finally, Lucifer confronts Mazikeen, a demon who loves him. She offers to follow him out of Hell, but Lucifer sends her on her way with a kiss.

Lucifer and Dream then exit Hell together. Lucifer locks the door behind him. He also instructs Morpheus to cut off his wings. Dream complies. Lucifer then hands the key to Hell to Morpheus. Now that they are outside of Hell, Lucifer is no longer bound by his earlier promise. He once threatened to destroy Dream. He suspects that giving the dream lord the key will not make his life any easier. Lucifer then disappears, leaving Morpheus awestruck.

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