Cloak and Dagger:Predator and Prey TPB
Cloak and Dagger:Predator and Prey TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Larry Stroman
Inker: Al Williamson

  Comic List  
Cloak and Dagger: (No Title)
Cloak and Dagger: "Predator and Prey"
Cloak and Dagger: "Perchance to Dream"
Cloak and Dagger: "Vermin"
Cloak and Dagger: "Zapper"
Cloak and Dagger: "Doorway into Nightmare"
Doctor Strange: "More Light"
Cloak and Dagger: "The Black Tear Drop"
Cloak and Dagger: "The Luminous Lady"
Cloak and Dagger: "The Felonious Feline"
Cloak and Dagger: "Mr. Jip, Usurper of Souls"
Cloak and Dagger: "Blue Skies"
Cloak and Dagger: "Disorderly Conduct"
Cloak and Dagger: "Disorderly Conduct"
Cloak and Dagger: "Gathering Dusk"
Cloak and Dagger: "Bitter Obligations, Like an Unmade Bed"
Cloak and Dagger: "Desperate Straits"
Cloak and Dagger: "Descent into Darkness"
Thing: "Volatile Combinations"
Cloak and Dagger: "Blind Salvation"
Cloak and Dagger: "Straying from the Path"
Cloak and Dagger: "Alienation"
Cloak and Dagger: "Isolation"
Cloak and Dagger/Power Pack: "Shelter from the Storm"

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