Peter Porkchops #6
Peter Porkchops #6
Cover Credits
Artist: Otto Feuer

<< Comic List >>
Pages Feature Note
FCPeter PorkchopsUnsigned (a)
IFCHouse AdReal Screen Comics #31
1Peter Porkchops"Rocket to Mars"
2Peter Porkchops
3Peter Porkchops
4Peter Porkchops
5Peter Porkchops
6Peter Porkchops
7Peter Porkchops
8Peter Porkchops
9Peter Porkchops
10Peter Porkchops
11Peter Porkchops
12Peter Porkchops
13Peter Porkchops
14Peter Porkchops
15Ad; Fact FeatureDubble Bubble; "Little Stanley"
16Activity Feature; Text Feature"Trixy" by Martin Naydel; Editorial Advisory Board
17Biggety Bear(No Title)
18Biggety Bear
19Biggety Bear
20Biggety Bear
21Biggety Bear
22Biggety Bear
23Biggety Bear
24Fact Feature"Fun an' Fact" by Martin Naydel
25House AdFeature Films #4
26Goofy Goose(No Title)
27Goofy Goose
28Goofy Goose
29Goofy Goose
30Goofy Goose
31Goofy Goose
32Goofy Goose
33Activity Feature; Ad"Animal Flips"; Tom Mix
34Filler; Ad"Ruthie Riddles"; Nestle's Crunch
35Text Story"Mummy's the Word"
36Text Story
37Peter Porkchops"A Genie in Disguise"
38Peter Porkchops
39Peter Porkchops
40Peter Porkchops
41Peter Porkchops
42Peter Porkchops
43Peter Porkchops
44Peter Porkchops
45Peter Porkchops
46Peter Porkchops
47Activity Feature; Ad"Pencils the Clown" by Martin Naydel; The Westfield Manufacturing Company
48Public Service AdThe Dodo and the Frog ask "How Are Your Manners Out-of-Doors?"
IBCAdNovelty Mart
BCAdDaisy Manufacturing Company

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2024 Mike's Amazing World of Comics