Captain America Omnibus Vol. 2 HC [Variant]
Captain America Omnibus Vol. 2 HC  [Variant]
Cover Credits
Artist: John Romita

<< Comic List >>
Captain America: "The Man Behind the Mask"
Captain America: "Now Begins the Nightmare"
Captain America: "Far Worse Than Death"
Captain America: "The Coming of... the Falcon"
Captain America: "The Falcon Fights On"
Captain America: "Now Falls the Skull"
Captain America: "Crack-Up on Campus"
Captain America: "The Coming of... the Man-Brute"
Captain America: "The Sting of the Scorpion"
Captain America: "Suprema, the Deadliest of the Species"
Captain America: "Mission:Stop the Cyborg"
Captain America: "Captured... in Viet Nam"
Captain America: "The Fate of... the Falcon"
Captain America: "Who Calls Me Traitor?"
Captain America: "Mission:Stamp Out Satan's Angels"
Captain America: "The Vengeance of -- the Red Skull"
Captain America: "Up Against the Wall"
Captain America: "Bucky Reborn"
Captain America: "The Fearful Secret of Bucky Barnes"
Captain America: "Madness in the Slums"
Captain America/Falcon: "They Call Him Stone-Face"
Captain America/Falcon: "More Monster Than Man"
Captain America/Falcon: "The World Below"
Captain America/Falcon: "To Stalk the Spider-Man"
Captain America/Falcon: "It Happens in Harlem"
Captain America/Falcon: "The Badge and the Betrayal"
Captain America/Falcon: "In the Grip of Gargoyle"
Captain America/Falcon: "The Unholy Alliance"
Captain America/Falcon: "And in the End"
Captain America/Falcon: "Power to the People"
Captain America: "HYDRA Over All"
Falcon: "The Falcon Fights Alone"
Captain America/Falcon: "Skyjacked"
Captain America/Falcon: "Mission:Destroy the Femme Force"
Captain America/Falcon: "And Behold the Hordes of HYDRA"
Captain America/Falcon: "The Big Sleep"

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