Justice League of America #259
Justice League of America #259
Cover Credits
Penciller: Luke McDonnell
Inker: Bill Wray

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Title: "Homecoming"
Pages: 23

Justice League (Post-Crisis)

Crossover Event:

Writer: J. Mark DeMatteis
Penciller: Luke McDonnell
Inker: Bill Wray
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Eugene D'Angelo

Reprinted In:
Justice League of America:The Detroit Era Omnibus HC (2018)

Feature Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Pamela Cross (first Post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
  • Fred Cross and his wife (Pamela's parents; no further appearances)
  • Edward Reynolds (Gypsy's father; next appearance in Justice League America #38)
  • Mrs. Reynolds (Gypsy's mother; next appearance in Justice League of America #260)
  • Evan Reynolds (Gypsy's brother; next appearance in Justice League of America #260)
  • Two police officers and an unnamed citizen (no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • Superman (depicted in a previous battle with Amazo)
  • Flash (depicted in a previous battle with Amazo)
  • Wonder Woman (depicted in a previous battle with Amazo; see comment)
  • Amazo (depicted in a previous battle with the JLA)

This issue is labeled: "Legends Cross-Over Chapter 9".

This story is continued from Justice League of America #258 and continues in Justice League of America #260.

Superman, Flash, and Wonder Woman are depicted in a one-panel flashback battle with Amazo. Since Wonder Woman was not a member of the post-Crisis Justice League until later, her depiction in this story is erroneous.

The Justice League finds Vibe's body and J'onn J'onzz is able to determine that Prof. Ivo is behind the murder and to deduce his motive. However, the actions of G. Gordon Godfrey and the subsequent presidential order to cease super-hero activity prevent J'onzz from leading the League to avenge their teammate.

Meanwhile, Gypsy takes Pamela Cross back to her parents and then heads home herself. One of Ivo's androids picks her up as a hitchhiker and attacks her, but Ivo's ambivalence at killing a child prompts the android to broadcast an illusion of her death to Ivo, and Gypsy returns safely to her family.

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