Action Comics #190
FC | Superman | Unsigned (a) |
IFC | Ad | Wilson Chemical Co. |
1 | Superman | "The Boy Who Saved Superman" |
2 | Superman | |
3 | Superman | |
4 | Superman | |
5 | Superman | |
6 | Superman | |
7 | Superman | |
8 | Superman | |
9 | Superman | |
10 | Superman | |
11 | Superman | |
12 | Superman | |
13 | Ad; Text Feature | Dubble Bubble; Editorial Advisory Board |
14 | Filler; Text Feature | "Shorty" by Henry Boltinoff; Supermen of America |
15 | Congo Bill | "The Man Who Wanted to Die a Hero" |
16 | Congo Bill | |
17 | Congo Bill | |
18 | Congo Bill | |
19 | Congo Bill | |
20 | Congo Bill; Ad | Wildroot Cream-Oil |
21 | House Ad | Hopalong Cassidy |
22 | Public Service Ad | Buzzy says "Start the Day Off Right" |
23 | Tommy Tomorrow | "The Hunters of the Future" |
24 | Tommy Tomorrow | |
25 | Tommy Tomorrow | |
26 | Tommy Tomorrow | |
27 | Tommy Tomorrow | |
28 | Tommy Tomorrow; Ad | Superman on Television |
29 | Text Story | "The Menace of the Cannibal Fish" by John Mabely |
30 | Text Story | |
31 | Filler | "Jerry the Jitterbug" by Henry Boltinoff |
32 | Vigilante | "Vigilante's Adopted Tribe" |
33 | Vigilante | |
34 | Vigilante | |
35 | Vigilante | |
36 | Vigilante | |
37 | Vigilante | |
38 | Vigilante | |
39 | Vigilante | |
40 | Ad | Littleton Stamp Co. |
IBC | Ad | Artistic Card Co., Inc. |
BC | Ad | Baby Ruth |
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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics