Little Giant Comics #3

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Comic Title: Little Giant Comics #3
Publisher: Centaur
Cover Date: October 1938
On Sale Date:
September 15, 1938 Copyright Date September 15, 1938
Source: Library of Congress, Periodicals 1938
Cover Price: $0.10
Page Count: 128
Contents printed in black and white
Pages | Feature | Note |
FC | Cover | by A.R. |
1 | Fact Feature | "In Case You Didn't Know", Reprinted from Funny Pages (#13) |
2 | Bombs of Destiny | by Will Harr and Fred Guardineer, Reprinted from Funny Picture Stories (#9) |
3 | Bombs of Destiny | |
4 | Bombs of Destiny | |
5 | Bombs of Destiny | |
6 | Bombs of Destiny | |
7 | Bombs of Destiny | |
8 | Bombs of Destiny | |
9 | Filler | "Nothing But the Truth", Reprinted from Funny Picture Stories (#10) |
10 | Fact Feature | "You're Wrong", Reprinted from Funny Picture Stories (#9) |
11 | Fact Feature | |
12 | Ann How | Reprinted from Funny Pages (#12) |
13 | His Highness | Reprinted from Funny Pages (#13) |
14 | His Highness | |
15 | His Highness | |
16 | His Highness | |
17 | His Highness | |
18 | His Highness | |
19 | His Highness | |
20 | Fact Feature | "Kings of the Turf" |
21 | Fact Feature | |
22 | Dinky | by Walt Munson, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
23 | Dinky | |
24 | Toots | Reprinted from Funny Pages (#13) |
25 | Little Beezer | Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
26 | Little Beezer | |
27 | Little Beezer | |
28 | Fact Feature | "Our Pioneer Fathers", Reprinted from Funny Picture Stories (#9) |
29 | Fact Feature | |
30 | Toots | Reprinted from Funny Pages (#12) |
31 | Fact Feature | "Age of Animals", Reprinted from Funny Picture Stories (#9) |
32 | Fact Feature | |
33 | Dicky Duck | Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
34 | Dicky Duck | |
35 | Dicky Duck | |
36 | Fact Feature | "Empire Builders", Reprinted from Funny Pages (#13) |
37 | Fact Feature | |
38 | Whiskers | by M. Macintyre, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
39 | Whiskers | |
40 | Whiskers | |
41 | Fact Feature | "Makers of History", Reprinted from Funny Picture Stories (#9) |
42 | Fact Feature | |
43 | The Case of the Lizard | by Victor J. Dowling, Reprinted from Detective Picture Stories #2 |
44 | The Case of the Lizard | |
45 | The Case of the Lizard | |
46 | The Case of the Lizard | |
47 | The Case of the Lizard | |
48 | The Case of the Lizard | |
49 | The Case of the Lizard | |
50 | The Case of the Lizard | |
51 | The Case of the Lizard | |
52 | The Case of the Lizard | |
53 | The Case of the Lizard | |
54 | Filler | "Funny Fables", Reprinted from Funny Picture Stories (#8) |
55 | Red Avenger | by Ellis Edwards, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
56 | Red Avenger | |
57 | Red Avenger | |
58 | Filler | "Funny Fables" |
59 | Activity Feature | "Tricks and Puzzles" |
60 | Activity Feature | |
61 | Activity Feature | |
62 | Activity Feature | |
63 | Activity Feature | |
64 | Activity Feature | |
65 | Activity Feature | |
66 | Activity Feature | |
67 | Activity Feature | |
68 | Koko | by M. Macintyre ,Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
69 | Koko | |
70 | Koko | |
71 | Koko | |
72 | Adventures of Jane & Johnny | by W.M. Allison, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
73 | Adventures of Jane & Johnny | |
74 | Adventures of Jane & Johnny | |
75 | Adventures of Jane & Johnny | |
76 | Windy | by Martin Filchock, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
77 | Windy | |
78 | Windy | |
79 | School Daze | Reprinted from Funny Pages (#13) |
80 | Fact Feature | "Great Work of the Ancients", Reprinted from Funny Pages (#13) |
81 | The CC Kid | by Filchock, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
82 | The CC Kid | |
83 | The CC Kid | |
84 | Smart Alec | Reprinted from Funny Pages (#14) |
85 | Smart Alec | |
86 | Smart Alec | |
87 | Smart Alec | |
88 | Brainy Bill | by Zip |
89 | Brainy Bill | |
90 | Filler | "Laffs" |
91 | Text Story | "A Hunk of Baloney" by Pat Allen |
92 | Text Story | |
93 | Text Story | |
94 | Text Story | |
95 | Text Story | |
96 | Text Story | |
97 | Text Story | |
98 | Text Story | |
99 | Jimmy and Jean | by Joe E. Buresch, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
100 | Jimmy and Jean | |
101 | Jimmy and Jean | |
102 | Jimmy and Jean | |
103 | Activity Feature | "Magic Section" |
104 | Activity Feature | |
105 | Activity Feature | |
106 | Activity Feature | |
107 | Activity Feature | |
108 | Activity Feature | |
109 | Jack Dolittle | by Yuknis, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
110 | Jack Dolittle | |
111 | Jack Dolittle | |
112 | Skipper Ham Shanks | by J.A. Patterson, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
113 | Skipper Ham Shanks | |
114 | Skipper Ham Shanks | |
115 | School Daze | Reprinted from Funny Pages (#12) |
116 | Bubs n' Schnubs | by Tony Basso, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
117 | Bubs n' Schnubs | |
118 | Bubs n' Schnubs | |
119 | Bubs n' Schnubs | |
120 | Activity Feature | "Drawing Problems" |
121 | House Ad | Little Giant Detective Funnies |
122 | Phil n' Sofie | by Od Ellis, Reprinted from Funny Pages #9 |
123 | Phil n' Sofie | |
124 | Phil n' Sofie | |
125 | Phil n' Sofie | |
126 | Fact Feature | "World Marvel" |
127 | Activity Feature | "Memory Test" by Filchock |
128 | Ad | Jo Ra Product |
IBC | Ad | Johnson Smith & Co. |
BC | Ad | Johnson Smith & Co. |
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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics