X-Men Omnibus Vol. 2 HC
X-Men Omnibus Vol. 2 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: George Tuska

<< Comic List >>
X-Men: "Beware the Juggernaut, My Son"
X-Men: "Into the Crimson Cosmos"
X-Men: "War -- in a World of Darkness"
X-Men: "Along Came a Spider..."
X-Men: "Mekano Lives"
X-Men: "We, the Jury..."
X-Men: "The Sinister Shadow of... Doomsday"
X-Men: "A Man Called... X"
X-Men: "The Fateful Finale"
X-Men: "Lonely Are the Hunted"
X-Men: "The Mark of the Monster"
X-Men: "The First Evil Mutant"
X-Men: "Now Strikes... the Sub-Human"
X-Men: "The Living Diamond"
X-Men: "If I Should Die..."
X-Men: "The End... or the Beginning?"
X-Men: "The Torch Is Passed..."
X-Men: "Call Him... Cyclops"
X-Men: "Red Raven, Red Raven..."
X-Men: "The Iceman Cometh"
X-Men: "When Mutants Clash"
X-Men: "And the Mob Cried... Vengeance"
Avengers: "In Battle Joined"
X-Men: (The End of the X-Men)
X-Men: "...and Then There Were Two"
X-Men: "The Warlock Wears Three Faces"
X-Men: "I, the Iceman"
X-Men: "Beware Computo"
X-Men: "Yours Truly the Beast"
X-Men: "Who Dares Defy... the Demi-Men?"
X-Men: "A Beast Is Born"
X-Men: "City of Mutants"
X-Men: "This Boy -- This Bombshell"
X-Men: "The Devil Had a Daughter"
X-Men: "The Lure of the Beast-Nappers"
X-Men: "Twilight of the Mutants"
X-Men: "The Crimes of the Conquistador"
X-Men: "The Rage of Blastaar"
X-Men: "Welcome to the Club, Beast"
X-Men: "Wanted:Dead or Alive -- Cyclops"
X-Men: "The Million Dollar Angel"
X-Men: "The Living Pharaoh"
X-Men: "Where Angels Dare to Tread"
X-Men: "What is... the Power?"
X-Men: "The Flying A-Bomb"
X-Men: "The Sentinels Live"
X-Men: "The Female of the Species"
X-Men: "Mission:Murder"
X-Men: "Do or Die, Baby"
X-Men: "In the Shadow of... Sauron"
X-Men: "Monsters Also Weep"
X-Men: "Strangers... in a Savage Land"
X-Men: "War in the World Below"
X-Men: "The Coming of Sunfire"
X-Men: "Before I'd Be Slave..."
X-Men: "The Mutants and the Monster"
Angel: "From the Sky... Winged Wrath"
Angel: "...in the Den of the Dazzler"
Angel: "To Cage an Angel"
"If Magneat-O Should Clobber Us"
"Beware the Forbush-Man, My Son"

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