Funny Stuff #43
Funny Stuff #43
Cover Credits
Artist: Otto Feuer

<< Comic List >>
Pages Feature Note
FCThe Dodo and the FrogUnsigned (a)
1The Dodo and the Frog(No Title)
2The Dodo and the Frog
3The Dodo and the Frog
4The Dodo and the Frog
5The Dodo and the Frog
6The Dodo and the Frog
8Text Feature; Activity FeatureEditorial Advisory Board; "Animal Flips" by Martin Naydel
9Blabber Mouse(No Title)
10Blabber Mouse
11Blabber Mouse
12Blabber Mouse
13Blabber Mouse
14Blabber Mouse
15House AdLeading, Real Screen, Animal Antics, Funny Folks, Comic Cavalcade
16The Dodo and the Frog(No Title)
17Blackie Bear(No Title)
18Blackie Bear
19Blackie Bear
20Blackie Bear
21Blackie Bear
22Blackie Bear
23Fact Feature; Ad"Funny Facts" by Martin Naydel; Pan-American Band Instruments
24Fact Feature"Ma Nature's Curiosity Shop" by Martin Naydel
25The Dodo and the Frog(No Title)
26The Dodo and the Frog
27The Dodo and the Frog
28The Dodo and the Frog
29The Dodo and the Frog
30The Dodo and the Frog
31House AdSuperboy #1
32J. Rufus Lion(No Title)
33J. Rufus Lion
34J. Rufus Lion
35J. Rufus Lion
36J. Rufus Lion
37J. Rufus Lion
38Fact Feature"Ma Nature's Curiosity Shop" by Martin Naydel
39Text Story"Winners Lose All"
40Text Story
41Fact Feature; Ad"Funny Facts" by Martin Naydel; Winchester Roller Skates
42The Dodo and the Frog(No Title)
43The Dodo and the Frog
44The Dodo and the Frog
45The Dodo and the Frog
46The Dodo and the Frog
47The Dodo and the Frog
48AdAmerican Seed Co., Inc.
IBCAdNational Radio Institute
BCAdDaisy Manufacturing Company

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics