Star Ranger Funnies #15
Star Ranger Funnies #15
Cover Credits
Artist: Terry Gilkison

<< Comic List >>
Pages Feature Note
FCCoverby Gilkison
3Home in the Ozarksby Cole
4Home in the Ozarks
5Home in the Ozarks
6Home in the Ozarks
7Home in the Ozarks
8Lyin Lou(No Title)
9Lyin Lou
10Tenderfoot Maryby Swab
11The Ermine"The Ermine Appears" by George Filchock
12The Ermine
13The Ermine
14The Ermine
15Fact Feature"Rangeography"
16Wild West Junior(No Title)
17Wild West Junior
18The Law of Caribou Countyby William E. Eisner (Reprinted from Western Picture Stories #2)
19The Law of Caribou County
20The Law of Caribou County
21The Law of Caribou County
22The Law of Caribou County
23The Law of Caribou County
24Cowboy Jake(No Title)
25Cowboy Jake
26The Plugged Dummy(No Title)
27The Plugged Dummy
28The Plugged Dummy
29The Plugged Dummy
30The Plugged Dummy
31Activity Feature"The Riddle Roundup"
34Text Story"The Rodeo Rope Rescue" by Pat Allen
35Text Story
36Text Story
37Activity Feature"How to Draw Comic Cowgals"
38Jess Phoolin(No Title)
39AdCross-Words Card Game
40One Buck and Two Bitsby Martin Filchock
41One Buck and Two Bits
42Fact Feature"Famous Frontiersmen"
43Fact Feature
44Filler"Daffy Dills"
45Fact Feature"Crime Doesn't Pay"
46Tenderfoot Maryby Schwab
47Spursby Gustavson
48Red Coatby Maurice Kashuba
49Red Coat
50Red Coat
51Red Coat
52Red Coat
53Slim Pickens(No Title)
54Two Buckaroosby Will Harr
55Two Buckaroos
56Two Buckaroos
57Two Buckaroos
58Two Buckaroos
59Jess Phoolinby Schwab
60Trouble Hunters(No Title)
61Trouble Hunters
62Trouble Hunters
BCAdJohnson Smith & Co.

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics