Name: Big Sir
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Dufus P. Ratchet
Occupation: Currently Unemployed
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: Flash's Rogues' Gallery
Base of Operations: Central City
Known Relatives: None
Height: 6 ft. 9 in.
Weight: 307 lbs.
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: Flash #338
Dufus P. Ratchet was born with a malfunctioning pituitary gland that allowed his body to continue to grow to monstrous proportions, while his mind stopped developing past the intelligence of an eight-year-old. The simple-minded Ratchet was kept under observation at Central City's Breedmore Mental Hospital.
When several members of Flash's Rogues' Gallery conspired to finally destroy the Scarlet Speedster, they freed Ratchet from his cell and outfitted him with high-tech armor provided by the Monitor. Using an elaborate deception, the villains made Ratchet think the Flash had beaten them up and even killed a small rodent. Incensed that this supposed hero would kill a small, defenseless creature, one of the only friends Ratchet thought he had, he went on a rampage that nearly killed the Flash.
Finally subdued, Ratchet was taken by the Flash to Gorilla City, where their super-science corrected his mental deficiencies. Today, Ratchet has a near-genius IQ and is seeking a way to make a valuable contribution to society.
Ratchet's large body is composed mostly of muscle, and he has above-average strength, which makes him capable of bending steel or smashing through concrete. He has no special fighting skills, just a single-mindedness toward violence and destruction.
The armor contains a helmet which emits "telepathic noise" designed to make Ratchet forget his true past and make him susceptible to suggestion. He also has an electronic mace that emits spikes of pure energy or a steady stream of energy able to propel Ratchet through the air.