Name: Key
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Unrevealed
Occupation: Would-Be Conqueror, Professional Criminal
Marital Status: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
Known Relatives: None
Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 197 lbs.
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Brown
First Appearance: Justice League of America #41
Nothing has been revealed about the true identity and origin of the master criminal known as the Key. Obsessed with keys, the Key intended to become the "key" man in the universe by conquering Earth and other inhabited planets.
Over the years the Key had injected himself with various "psycho-chemicals", hoping to give himself psionic powers. Eventually he drugged Snapper Carr, honorary member of the Justice League of America, with a psycho-chemical that would allow the Key to control him by electronic means. The Key then forced Carr to administer the psycho-chemical secretly to the rest of the JLA, whom the Key then ordered to disband. The Key intended to use the chemical to take over the minds of the world's "key" government officials, and eventually force the JLA to help him conquer other planets. Thanks to Hawkwoman, the Justice Leaguers were freed from the Key's control and they sent him to prison.
Months later, the Key used the psionic power the psycho-chemicals gave him to tap the cosmic energy collected in one of his weapons in the JLA trophy room. He used it to mentally force the Leaguers to try to kill each other. Superamn thwarted the Key's scheme, and the JLA halted his next attempt at world conquest.
Eventually, the Key discovered that the psycho-chemicals he had taken over the years were killing him. Failing again to kill the JLA, the Key retaliated by using cosmic energy to blow up a city block while he lay protected in an underground crypt. Green Lantern John Stewart drove the energy underground, where it unexpectedly cured the Key, but caused his body to wither and become dwarfish.
After another unsuccessful attempt to kill the JLA, the Key used the android Amazo to steal super-powerful energy from several Leaguers' bodies, which the Key then used to restore his own body to normal. Although the JLA defeated the Key, Zatanna used her magic to restore him to normal permanently.
The Key's current whereabouts and activities are unknown.
The Key is a master scientist who has developed a large variety of futuristic weapons, including devices that create interdimensional warps. He designs most of his weapons in the form of keys, keyholes, and locks.
The Key has discovered a psycho-chemical that enables him, through an electronic "keyboard", to control anyone who has drunk it. Any psionic powers that similar chemicals gave the Key seem to have worn off long ago.
The Key employs a large number of costumed underlings called his "Key-Men".
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