Name: Automan
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Robot #32198
Occupation: Robot for hire
Marital Status: Married (life-paired)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Robot Tech University
Known Relatives: Ilda (life-mate, wife)
Height: 6 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 514 lbs.
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Photocellular
First Appearance: Tales of the Unexpected #91
Conceived and constructed by Professor Sterling, Automan was the first graduate of Robot Tech, an Institute for higher learning designed exclusively for mechanical men. At Robot Tech, these so-called "computer men" were fed a wealth of information via intricate teaching computers, the programmed for independent action.
Dubbed Automan, the automatic man, by his creator, robot #32198 was hired as everything from a mechanical manservant to a bodyguard to a beautiful blonde actress.
Constructed entirely of meteorite manganese, Automan apparently survived into the 21st Century, where he ultimately came in contact with privat detective Star Hawkins and life-bonded with Hawkins' robot secretary Ilda.
Constructed to be bullet and fireproof, Automan's internal equipment includes a forehead film recorder, a radar-scanner, a powerful electromagnet, laser-beam eyes, and a self-contained parachute system.
Automan also possesses superhuman strength and, by virtue of his programming, is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant.