Plastic Man
Plastic Man

Name: Plastic Man
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: "Eel" O'Brian, Jr.
Occupation: Crimefighter
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Unnamed American city
Known Relatives: Eel O'Brian (father), Unnamed mother
Height: Variable
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: Plastic Man #1

Plastic Man II is the son of the first Plastic Man, Eel O'Brian. The original Plas began his career on Earth-2 and served as the FBI liason to the All-Star Squadron during World War II. During the war, Plastic Man joined a group of Freedom Fighters to assist Earth-X, a world without its own super heroes, in overthrowing the Nazis. Their efforts failed and the Nazis won World War II on Earth-X.

Plastic Man was likely presumed dead, but his adventures continued after the war, likely on Earth-1. Sometime later, he married and the couple had a child which possessed Plas's stretching abilities. The original Plastic Man then went into retirement.

As the original Plastic Man's son grew to adulthood, he also assumed the name Plastic Man and had several adventures as a crimefighter. He was a frequent opponent of Dr. Dome, and the two had a running feud which lasted at least seven years. This, Platic Man was often assisted by his friends Gordon "Gordy" Trueblood and Micheline "Mike" DeLute III.

An Earth-1 counterpart of Plastic Man also exists. This Earth-1 Plastic Man teamed with Batman on several occasions and was active as an agent of the NBI.

The current whereabouts of Plastic Man II are unknown.

Just like his father, Plastic Man II can stretch all or any part of his body to incredible lengths. He can also compress his body or any part of it enough to pass it through a paper-thin opening. He can use his powers to mold his facial features so as to disguise himself. He can also alter his shape so as to pose as various kinds of objects.

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