
Name: Bat-Mite
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Unknown
Occupation: Troublemaker
Marital Status: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Gotham City
Known Relatives: None
Height: 2 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 47 lbs.
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: Detective Comics #267

A pint-sized imp from an unnamed alien dimension, Bat-Mite claims to be the greatest fan of Batman and Robin. He comes to Earth, clad in a homemade version of the Caped Crusader's costume, to watch his idols in action.

Unfortunately, when Bat-Mite feels things are going too easily for the Dynamic Duo, he uses his magical powers to complicate matters so that he can force Batman and Robin to ever greater heights of skill and ingenuity. This habit does not tend to endear Bat-Mite to his Earthly idol, and he is forever being ordered back to his home dimension like a bad boy being ordered to stand in the corner.

Though he wears his own version of the Batman's utility belt, Bat-Mite appears to possess no true weaponry besides his own awesome magical powers.

Among other feats, Bat-Mite can make himself invisible at will, animate inanimate objects, shrink or enlarge both people and objects, levitate same, and endow either people or animals with super-powers.

Bat-Mite has no apparent skill at hand-to-hand combat, but with his other powers he doesn't really need much skill.

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