Neon the Unknown

Name: Neon the Unknown
Universe: Earth-2
Alter Ego: Tom Corbet
Occupation: Former member of the foreign legion
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: Freedom Fighters
First Appearance: Hit Comics #1

Corbet was a member of the Foreign Legion. While pursuing an enemy across the desert, his entire unit died of dehydration. Surely he would have suffered the same fate, if he hadn't found a magical oasis at the very last second. Tom Corbet drank the glowing water and was transformed into Neon the Unknown, with the ability to fly and shoot energy from his hands.

Neon was recruited by Uncle Sam to be a member of the Freedom Fighters along with several other heroes. As a member of the Freedom Fighters, Neon traveled to the parallel world of Earth-X, where he was killed defending America from the Japanese.

Neon the Unknown could fly and project "neonic" blasts from his hands.

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