Arak, Son of Thunder #48
Arak, Son of Thunder #48
Cover Credits
Artist: Tony DeZuniga

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Title: "Dragon Slayers for Hire"
Pages: 23


Plotter: Roy Thomas
Plotter: Danette Thomas
Scripter: Randy Lofficier
Scripter: Jean-Marc Lofficier
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Tony DeZuniga
Letterer: David Cody Weiss
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

This story is continued from Arak, Son of Thunder #47 and continues in Arak, Son of Thunder #49.

This story reveals that Alsind will be inspiration for the character of Sinbad.

Arak and Valda are attacked by Mu-Lan, an armored woman. After they defeat her, she claims that the attack was merely a test. She then leads Arak, Valda, and Malagigi to meet her grandfather. The old man claims that the dragon which threatens Canton is not a real dragon at all, but a creature of evil. Mu-Lan wants Arak to kill it.

After the meeting Arak and his companions attend a dinner hosted by the governor of Canton. Haakon tries to drug Arak with wine, but Brunello, the thief with a ring of invisibility thwarts the vikings plans. Haakon is drugged instead of falls unconscious.

Mu-Lan's grandfather is then called upon to give a fireworks display. The visitors are impressed with the spectacle. Then the dragon arrives. Arak saves the old man. Malagigi uses a spell to drive the creature back into the water of the harbor, but at great cost to his own health. The old man also reveals that the dragon was summoned by a sorceress which Valda identifies as Angelica.

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