Wonder Woman #39
Wonder Woman #39
Cover Credits
Penciller: Irwin Hasen
Inker: Bernard Sachs

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Title: "The Trail of Thrills"
Pages: 12

Wonder Woman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Harry G. Peter

Feature Character(s)


  • A gang of art thieves (no further appearances)
  • A gang of jewel thieves (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Mary Dolan, Alex Smith, Lewis Brand, Joan Hall, and Al Rogers (an operator, a tailor, a museum clerk, an elevator operator, and an electrician; no further appearances)
  • Jay Brennon (a television producer; no further appearances)
  • Selena Davis, Mr.s Davis, and Neil (a bride, her mother, and her husband; no further appearances)
  • A demolition crew (no further appearances)
  • Mr. Van Forsythe and a museum director (no further appearances)

Wonder Woman learns about five people who have dull jobs. She makes a bet with television producer Jay Brennon that she can prove that each of the people performs important work. She then proceeds to help each worker including a telephone operator, a tailor, an elevator operator, and a musuem visitor counter.

The final man, Al Rogers, replaces light bulbs. While Wonder Woman is meeting with him crooks rob a jewelry store. Al throws his bulbs which make exploding sounds. The crooks think they are being shot at, so they surrender. Wonder Woman then appears on Jay Brennon's news show with the five people she helped.

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