Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman

Name: Wonder Woman
Universe: Earth-2
Alter Ego: Princess Diana alias Diana Prince
Occupation: Nurse, Secretary, Intelligence Agent
Marital Status: Married
Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron
Base of Operations: Washington D.C.
Known Relatives: Queen Hippolyta (mother), General Steve Trevor (husband), Hippolyta Trevor (daughter)
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight: 122 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: All-Star Comics #8

Some time after the Amazons, under Aphrodite’s direction, settled on Paradise Island, the goddess Athena instructed Queen Hippolyta in the art of molding a human form out of clay. The Queen made a life-sized figure of a little girl, and wished that the child might be given life. Aphrodite granted the wish, and gave the child the name of Diana, the Roman name for Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

Soon, little Diana showed herself to be, even as a child, superior in strength and speed to most Amazons (though she never surpassed Hippolyta). By the time she had reached womanhood, she was said to be beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, stronger than Hercules, and swifter than Mercury.

At the age of 15, she received her bracelets of submission at the altar of Aphrodite, and first drank from the Fountain of Eternal Youth. As long as she remained on Paradise Island, Hippolyta told her, she would remain always young by drinking from that spring.

Years later, Diana spotted a figure drifting on a piece of airplane wreckage. This was Captain Steven Trevor of Military Intelligence, the first man she had ever seen. He had been following an Axis agent when he was shot down.

Carrying him to the Amazon hospital, Diana was told his chances to live were slight. Working frantically on a project she had conceived, she perfected the purple healing ray. Although Trevor was by that time clinically dead, Diana used the ray to restore him to life.

Meantime, Aphrodite had decided to take a hand in the war that was engulfing the world. Although this was before Pearl Harbor plunged the U.S. into the conflict, Aphrodite knew it would be this country that would be the bastion of democracy, and crucial to a victory over the Axis powers. She therefore told Hippolyta that the strongest of the Amazons must be selected to take Trevor back to America and stay as a champion in the war.

Knowing that Diana could easily win the competition to select the mightiest Amazon, Hippolyta forbade her to enter. However, the Princess had fallen in love with Trevor, and so she entered anyway, disguised with a mask. She did indeed win, and the shocked Hippolyta was forced to declare her daughter the winner and give her the costume she would wear as Wonder Woman.

Walking through Washington, taking in the sights of this new world – Man’s World, as the Amazons called it – Wonder Woman was astonished at the amount of material in women’s clothes. She stumbled on a hold-up in progress and captured the criminals.

A man name Al Kale saw this and booked Wonder Woman for theater appearances doing the "bullets-and-bracelets" routine she had used when shot at by the criminals. When he tried to skip out with all the receipts, she stopped him and took the money he owed her.

Then she saw a young woman – her double – crying. This was Diana Prince, a nurse, whose fiance, Dan White, was leaving for South America, but they had no money for her passage. Noting that Prince was a nurse at Walter Reed Hospital, Wonder Woman offered her a proposition. She would give Prince enough money to join White if Prince would give her her credentials, so Wonder Woman could become Diana Prince and be near Trevor. As she had all the training any nurse would need, it could be done. So the real Diana Prince married Dan White and Wonder Woman took her identity.

Soon after, Steve and Diana were abducted by agents of Japanese Princess Maru, who used the guise of Doctor Poison. Maru placed a chemical in the Army camp’s water supply which caused the soldiers to behave erratically. To defeat Poison, Wonder Woman, having escaped, got help from a girl she had recently nursed after an appendectomy, Etta Candy, a student at Holliday College. The Amazon was astonished at how fat Candy had become in so short a time, but she got the reply, "After they took out my appendix, I could eat anything – so I did!"

Candy and the girls of the Beta Lambda sorority aided Wonder Woman not only on that case, but on many more afterwards. Candy stayed at Holliday for some years, obviously garnering many degrees. She had a brilliant mind and became an amazing linguist.

When Trevor left the hospital, Prince naturally wanted to follow him. He already had a good secretary – Lila Brown – but Colonel Darnell was looking for a new secretary, so Prince applied for the job and was accepted. In time, she proved so good she became an intelligence agent of the first water herself.

When Prince got a vacation, she was thrilled to find Aphrodite had given her permission to return to Paradise Island. Until then, she had believed she was giving up her Amazon heritage by going to Man’s World. It was while she was there that Hippolyta, at Aphrodite’s command, had links taken from her magic girdle and made into an unbreakable lasso which she gave to Diana.

Wonder Woman soon joined the Justice Society of America, but, as she had many other duties, she was made an honorary member and secretary. She also served with the All-Star Squadron.

When the war ended, there was still work to be done fighting crime, so Wonder Woman stayed in Man’s World. She became more active with the JSA. And, as she had eternal youth, she did not retire when the other JSAers did.

But in time, she had to make a decision. Colonel (later General) Darnell had retired, and finally Trevor, now also a general, reached retirement age. Wonder Woman agreed to marry Trevor as Diana Prince (later she abandoned her secret ID). She also gave up a measure of her Amazon immortality so that she would not stay young while Trevor grew old.

She bore a daughter, named Hippolyta after her grandmother. This child, being only half-Amazon, does not need to wear the bracelets of submission, but had a full Amazon education.

When the parallel Earths merged at the end of the so-called crisis on infinite earths, a miracle saved Trevor from oblivion. Though there is no memory of him or his Amazon wife on the new Earth, they were taken by Apollo’s chariot to Olympus to live happily among the gods.

Incredibly strong and swift, Wonder Woman’s Amazon training made her a master fighter. There is no evidence that she could glide on air currents like her Earth-One double. With her bracelets she could repel bullets and other weapons. Her magic lasso could force anyone caught by it to do her will. Her magical invisible plane was also helpful, as it could fly vast distances without refueling and remain hovering for long periods. She could communicate with friends via a telepathic device called mental radio.

She was not invulnerable and would lose her Amazon strength if her bracelets were chained together by a man for as long as she remained chained.

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