Superboy #21
Title: "One Dozen Superboys"
Pages: 10
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Penciller: John Sikela
Inker: Ed Dobrotka
Feature Character(s)
- Mr. Groves (a promoter; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Stanley Wilkes (a scientist; no further appearances)
- Bob Hunt, Jimmy, Vincent, Bill, and Henry Smtih (no further appearances)
- Members of the Science Bureau (no further appearances)
While performing for a charity event, Superboy spots a runaway cable car a long distance away. Superboy invisibly stops the cable car, then returns to the show before anyone knows that he was gone. The next day, the newspapers claim that a second Superboy must exist.
Superboy doesn't reveal his involvement, so boys around the world try to demonstrate that they have super powers. Superboy agrees to test them and soon discovers that Bob Hunt has powers like his own.
Bob goes on tour claiming that an invention of his father's gave him his powers, but also amnesia. Superboy is really faking Bob's powers in order to lure scientist Professor Wilkes out of hiding. Bob's story makes Wilkes think that the boy is his son. When Wilkes reveals himself Superboy admits that it was a hoax. Wilkes returns home where the Science Bureau is waiting for him.
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