Adventure Comics #238
Title: "The Secret Past of Superboy's Father"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Ray Burnley
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Doc Holton (a con man; uses the identity of Kan-Tu; no further appearances)
Cameo Appearance(s)
- Jor-El (in Superboy's dream)
- Lara (in Superboy's dream)
Superboy is haunted by dreams in which his father is accused of stealing the rocket which brought Kal-El to Earth. He dreams that the real inventor of the rocket is a scientist named Kan-Tu, who he now sees on Earth. Kan-Tu explains that Jor-El did steal his invention, but he had another rocket which he used to escape Krypton’s fate.
Superboy is disheartened to learn that his father was a thief, but Kan-Tu agrees to keep it a secret if Superboy gathers radium for him. Kan-Tu plans to use it to help another planet. Superboy gathers the radium, but also uncovers the fact that Kan-Tu is really an Earthman who has tricked the Boy of Steel with a hypnotic suggestion. Finally he stops Kan-Tu, really Doc Holton, from escaping with the radium.
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