Legion of Super-Heroes #38
Legion of Super-Heroes #38
Cover Credits
Artist: Bill Sienkiewicz

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Title: "The Greatest Hero of Them All"
Pages: 27

Legion of Super-Heroes (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Paul Levitz
Penciller: Gregory B. LaRocque
Inker: Mike DeCarlo
Inker: Arne Starr
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Carl Gafford

Reprinted In:
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 4 TPB (2005)
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 2 HC (2021)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

Flashback Appearance(s)

This story is continued from Action Comics #591.

Superboy takes a group of four Legionnaires into the future to deliver them to the Time Trapper. The Trepper then orders the Boy of Steel to kill them. He refuses and releases the captives including Mon-El, Ultra Boy, Cosmic Boy, and Night Girl who were already held by the Trapper.

A battle ensues which causes the machine the Time Trapper used to save Smallville to be destroyed. Superboy and the Legionnaires rush back to Smallville which is threatened by red skies and anti-matter. Superboy is able to save his Pocket Universe by powering another machine. However, the process nearly kills him.

The Legion then prepares to take the injured Boy of Steel back to the 30th century in the time bubble. Instead, Superboy sacrifices himself to ensure that the Legion make it home. Superboy then dies and is given a heroic funeral by the Legion.

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