Kanjar Ro
Kanjar Ro

Name: Kanjar Ro
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: None
Occupation: Would-Be Conqueror, Former Dictator
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
Known Relatives: None
Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
Weight: 147 lbs.
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Yellow
First Appearance: Justice League of America #3

Kanjar Ro was delon (dictator) of the planet Dhor in the Antares star-system. For years he had been at war with the rulers of three other inhabited planets in the same solar system: Hyathis of Alstair, Krom of Mosteel, and Sayyar of Llarr. Each of the four sought to control the entire system.

Kanjar Ro went to Earth and paralyzed its entire population with his Gamma Metal Gong. He said he would only free the people of Earth if five members of the Justice League of America would defeat and capture his three rivals for him. They did so, but they also found their own means of undoing the paralysis effect. The Justice Leaguers released the people of Earth from paralysis and imprisoned Kanjar Ro and his three enemies on a small planet.

Kanjar Ro managed to escape this planet and made his way to the planet Rann, where he found a means of giving himself super-powers. Rann's protector, Adam Strange, and the Justice League joined forces to defeat Kanjar Ro. Next Kanjar Ro attempted to conquer Earth, but was again thwarted by the Justice League.

Over the years Kanjar Ro has repeatedly been defeated by Adam Strange. Finally, leading a small army of Adam Strange's old foes, Kanjar Ro conquered Rann. Kanjar Ro's rival, Hyathis, almost simultaneously took power on the planet Thanagar, and hence war broke out between the two planets. Adam Strange became leader of the underground that fought Kanjar Ro's forces, and Strange was aided by Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Finally, Kanjar Ro teleported himself into Hyathis's palace to assassinate her personally, but was stopped just in time by Hawkman.

Kanjar Ro was imprisoned, and Rann returned to normalcy after a period of civil war. However, Kanjar Ro came to Earth in the course of the so-called Crisis on Infinite Earths, and his present whereabouts are unknown.

At certain times in the past, Kanjar Ro has temporarily gained super-powers. Normally, however, he has no super-powers but relies on his cunning and his command of highly advance technology.

Kanjar Ro's principal weapon is his energi-rod, the many powers of which have yet to be fully revealed. He can use it to levitate himself and to communicate through hyperspace.

Kanjar Ro can use his Gamma Metal Gong to paralyze an adversary in its vicinity. By striking it hard enough, he can paralyze everyone on a planet. Kanjar Ro somehow can protect himself from the gong's effects.

Kanjar Ro can travel through hyperspace on his "cosmic boat", which is powered by currents of cosmic energy and somehow enables its passengers to breathe and survive in space. Kanjar Ro can use the energi-rod to shrink the boat to pocket size and enlarge it again.

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